Saturday, September 23, 2017

Jurisdictional Boundaries by Geonn Cannon

My rating:
3 of 5 stars

Stargate SG-1 is one of my favorite television series, and the original film is also one of my favorites. This fanfiction is not based on either, though the first part does include some of the SG-1 squad. Mostly just Sam, but cameos from some of the others. No, this fanfiction is a mix of Stargate Atlantis and Law & Order SVU - during the time that Col. Sam Carter was the commander of Atlantis.

For the most part, the fanfiction flirted around between good enough and meh. And, to a certain extent, the story only made it up as high as it did, rating wise, because of action scenes that occurred on a non-earth world (and not Atlantis world) - that section was . . oh, around 4 something stars. The rest hovered around 3. Problem being that this is a romance/sex-themed story and the two main characters showed no real chemistry towards each other. They initially just kind of boredly fell against each other for some inappropriate uninspired sex and then . . . didn't see each other again for years. Until they did again - see each other again.

Right, so, story - on earth, in New York, Olivia and her team of detectives track down a kidnapped woman who had been taken from a club and raped for about 24 hours straight. Oddly, though, the woman seems quite happy, at least, that is, until she realizes that she's being kept from her 'master'. She's quite sad and angry about that. Eventually Olivia is informed that some Air Force Colonel had turned up. She has a 'cure' for the drugged woman - the government had come across the drug before and . . . well, let's not tell everything. The point is that Col. Sam and Olivia came into contact here. During the course of the investigation two things occurred - 1) Olivia learned about some, only a little, of the advanced stuff Sam and company have been doing; 2) Olivia and Sam have sex.

Years later Sam, now commander of Atlantis, is informed that one of her people has been raped. For reasons, including the part where Olivia has already been partially informed of secrets, not revealed anything, and investigates rapes, Olivia is called in to investigate. Through a series of stargates. To a different galaxy. Sam and Olivia have more sex. Olivia investigates.

Later, after Olivia had returned to earth, an illness breaks out on Atlantis. Research shows that the infection event occurred while Olivia had been there. Olivia is informed . . . etc. etc. . . sex. . . .etc. etc.

Year later . . . Olivia and Sam .....right, let's not tell the entire story here.


So, just in case I forgot to mention it - Olivia and Sam have sex. Time passes, though it isn't always easy to tell 1) how much time, and 2) if Olivia and Sam are together/separate; and or if they are cheating on each other or on others. Somewhere along the line it seemed as if both were cheating on others with each other; and or cheating on each other with others. That part was confusing. Neither Olivia nor Sam cared, though their 'others' seemed to care. Deeply. Though, to be fair, one was ill at the time they showed they cared.

Action occurred.

Rodney MacKay acted like himself.

Stuff happened.

Rating: 2.88

September 23 2017

View all my reviews

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