Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Shadows & Dreams by Alexis Hall

Shadows & Dreams
by Alexis Hall
Pages: 362
Date: June 16 2014
Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Series: Kate Kane (book 2)

Rating: 2.0 out of 5
Read: June 17 to June 18 2014

There was humor, a few snickers here and there, and the plot wasn't too horrible.  On the other hand I've lost any and all liking for the characters that I might have developed from the first book.

Depending on various factors, I will probably not try a third book in this series (though I almost always seem to do so when I write something like that).  Maybe I'll go back to trying to convince myself to read Glitterland.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Thief of Always by Kim Baldwin & Xenia Alexiou

Thief of Always
by Kim Baldwin & Xenia Alexiou
Pages: 301
Date: February 1 2009
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
Series: Elite Operatives (book 2)

Rating: 1.0 out of 5.0
Read: June 6 to June 9 2014

I don't really like romance mixed with thrillers, spy or otherwise.  Though I do seem to have read a lot of them.  I know I gave the first book in this series a relatively high rating but this one fell into the trap, the reason I dislike romantic suspense.  Most of the time it's because of the romance. This time the problem is mostly with the suspense part.

The annoyances just kept building to the point where I finally had to just stop reading. With 5% of the book left to read. Probably less as part of that 5% was probably after the book stuff (afterword, lists of other books by publisher, etc.).