Sunday, December 11, 2016

Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

Romancing Mister Bridgerton (With 2nd Epilogue) (Bridgertons, #4)Romancing Mister Bridgerton (With 2nd Epilogue) by Julia Quinn

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

1) This author is either a) very obsessed with breasts or b) assumes every man is super obsessed with breasts (for various reasons I'm leaning towards a). I say this because this is the fifth book I've read by this author and all of them (with the possible exception of the first book, which I need to go back to reread my review to see if I indicated anything) have had men obsessing over fondling, licking, and sucking breasts. What, I notice certain things.

2) Somewhere during certain revelations I wanted to kick Colin very hard in the groin and close the book - never to reopen it. Happily those feelings subsided but . . . mmphs.

3) All of the Bridgerton children are adults now (including Gregory and Hynacnith (whose name I can never spell), though Gregory is off . . um . . somewhere in this specific book; oh, and this is the first time that I learned that Francesca also got married at some point - I looked to see if I read a book out of order - no, apparently I hadn't. it was a brief marriage that lodged her with a family in Scotland, but her husband has been dead now for a short while. She is mentioned but if she had any words in this book, I seem to have overlooked them. Everyone else, including Daphne from the first book, make appearances (some much larger than others).

4) So. Fourth book, I'd say 4 down, 4 to go but as I already noted, one of the four to go already got married, and is now a widow, so 4 down and 3 to go with another one going to have another crack at potential happiness (I assume). Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinthia are left to find matches.

As can be seen from my rating and my lack of careful thought out review, I liked this book the least of the ones by Quinn that I've read.

Oddly, things went about how I expected, including the big reveal (there's a big reveal in this book). That big reveal was why I was actually excited to read this specific book, but alas.

View all my reviews

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