Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Instameet by Camryn Eyde

InstameetInstameet by Camryn Eyde

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

My first story by this author.

Character, Chloe Bevan, opens the story wandering around Melbourne looking for 'the Instagram photo group she was looking for'. Spots a crowd. Wanders over. Checks out the lead woman of the group.

Chloe herself is from Brisbane. Which I make note of because, of all the Australian set stories I've read, the vast majority seem to be set in either some random small town in the outback or in Melbourne (like this story here). I'm not sure I've even read a story with someone from Brisbane before.

And . . . Chloe sure is taking a huge number of 'looks' of this lead woman. Evie. Sister of Jeanie - Chloe's roommate.

And so . . . the group gets some instructions (or the reader is told they were at some point) and breaks apart. Chloe wanders off with Evie - still constantly and openly eyeballing Evie. They head to a back alley and . . . look at wall art. Well, graffiti.

Okay - this is kind of confusing me. So Chloe is very much a non-touchy-feely type of person. So how'd she even allow herself to let the other person touch her hands, let alone hold it, then begin rubbing her thumb against her. Sure she apparently likes it but, you have to get to that point. My skin is crawling at the mere idea. Someone just grabbing hold and gripping your hand? And rubbing thumb against your skin? Yeah, my skin is crawling. eww.

'Evie smirked at her . . .' Save me from people who smirk (actually, save me from people using the word. Nails on chalkboard time. First touching, now smirking. I'm quite uncomfortable with this story).

'Evie smirked.' Evie, do you, I'm just asking really, have any facial expressions other than 'smirking'? 'Evie bit her lip and narrowed her eyes.' Ah, good, thanks.

Good grief Evie is touchy feely to the extreme. Extreme! I should stop attempting to read stories after midnight. I get goofy.

I do not really like Evie.

'Evie grabbed her arm . . .' 'Evie smirked' . . . ' 'Evie . . .' s an annoying character and I think I dislike her.

Wait, what? 'Chloe smiled and thought of the way the sun had enhanced the colours . . . [s]miling suddenly, Chloe fet a burst of happiness.' So Chloe's facial expression went from smiling to . . . smiling suddenly?

hehehe - um, there's like this massive wall of text now. For whatever reason there are no breaks. And I've been reading. There should be breaks. But instead this massive wall of text.

I'm . . I'm . . what? 'Chloe ... unable to withhold her smile . . . Chloe said, smiling as she squeezed Evie's hand in response' - 1) all of that is in same little few seconds, not lifted from here and there. I'm not even sure how to interpret all that smiling; 2) response to what?

And now I do not particularly like Chloe. So 2 for 2.

"Oh," Evie said as the only phone Chloe took came onscreen.
- I do not know what this means. Chloe stole a phone?

'Evie's smirk at Chloe didn't help.' - pfft. more smirking.

'The woman was smirking [Evie] at her in the reflection.' - I just made a loud noise of disgust. Surprised me, that did. The noise. The level of the noise. Brought on when I read the line above. And the smirking. I rather dislike the smug smirking Evie.

I . . . heh. Apparently Evie has 'liquid fire' pouring out of her panties. Liquid fire. hmms.

hehehehe - they are rolling around, mention of Evie's head bumping against a door, more rolling, Chloe bumping a swollen clit. Me giggling insanely as I accidentally read that wrong. I read it as rolling around, and Chloe accidentally rolling against a swollen clit which was about the same size as Evie's head. Goofy, I am.

I really have no idea what occured in that love scene. Body parts were flying around everywhere. Smooth muscles, and mouths, and necks, and fingers, a back, and some arms, and a pelvis.

Oh for . . . in the middle of mentioning lots and lots of body parts . . . don't include this line 'Evie asked, making Chloe cock her head with curiosity ...'. Now Chloe has a cock. Because. That's where my brain went. When, you know, the word 'cock' gets used in the middle of a sex scene.

Good god this is a really awkward conversation during/after/wherever they are in the act of sex. Also, Evie's apparently, we now learn, not a lesbian.

Very long sex scene. Awkward sex.

And why does every sex scene (okay, not really but still) have 'so beautiful' repeated every three seconds during the act? mmphs. (part of that 'not really' is the part wherein it only occurred a few times here).

Oh good grief. More smirking by Evie. AAAAAAAAAARGH.

Awkward uncomfortable story.

Rating: 2

December 14 2016

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