Thursday, April 26, 2018

Wild Magic (The Veil Chronicles, #1) by May Dawney

Wild Magic (The Veil Chronicles, #1)Wild Magic by May Dawney

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a quite good, even quite riveting story. Certain issue, though, as to why I ended up giving this 4.5 instead of something higher (I didn't deduct or anything, I just didn't feel like giving a higher rating): the book is more a deep dive into two people and their coming together in strange and magical circumstances . . . while mostly never leaving one apartment, and very little outside action going on. There was tension, and there was bits of 'oh no! they might find us!', but that wasn't really a huge part of the story. No, this really was a 'build a universe', and a 'character study', than an action filled fantasy book.

The book, I do not know if 'despite' works, heck a book without much action can be great so no not 'despite' - this book was good. It just left me wanting more. And there were some plot lines that weren't wrapped up. On the other hand there's, like, at least 3 more (or was it four?) books in this series coming out each month through the rest of 2018. So I don't have to wait a lot of time to find out more (on other hand, the description indicates the main characters change . . . so . . .).


Right, so - this is a book set in Poland. Kraków to be exact (as in the second largest city in Poland). Starring a Polish woman. Who is helped by a British speaking Kenyan woman. Helped? Well, ever get one of those pounding headaches like some get? Where it builds and builds and it feels like your entire body, or at least your head, is going to explode? And, quite frankly, you don't care if that happens because the pain would, at least, be gone afterwards? Well, Noah Otieno helps Ania Zaleska with that.

Or, more accurately, helps Ania after her head/body does, in fact, explode (okay, that makes things sound wrong – Ania’s body didn’t actually explode, it was the magic in her she didn’t know she had in her that exploded).

The vast majority of the book takes place, after some moving around at the start of the book, with Noah trying to help Ania ‘control’ her ‘wild’ magic.

Reading it like that – it sound vaguely boring, eh? Well it isn’t boring. It’s quite exciting and fun. But, eh, I can’t make it sound fun and exciting in a review. Apparently.

For those that care about such things: sex does in fact occur in this book. I do not recall it being graphic. Was it? Hmm. *thinks* Nooo I don’t think it was.

I look forward to book two in this series.

Rating: 4.50

April 24 2018

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