Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Reaper Rescues The Genie (Nocturne Falls, #9) by Kristen Painter

The Reaper Rescues The Genie (Nocturne Falls, #9)The Reaper Rescues The Genie by Kristen Painter

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the . . . . well, ninth book in this specific series, but something like the 2,000th work in this Nocturne Falls series (counting those books/short stories by other authors). This specific book stars two side characters I never really had a huge desire to see front and center as main characters – the ‘retired’ genie Imari Zephara, spotted once or thrice in cameos in previous books, and Lucien Dupree, aka Death. Though he is also ‘retired’ – though he’s retired due to an inability to control his powers. Specifically his ability to kill someone with his touch or not kill (it’s the part where he can’t seem to stop killing, based on one experience. Once is enough, of course, when it’s your grandmother.)

Both of the main characters, Imari & Lucien (if I didn’t make that clear, heh), have their own point of views in this book. Lucien brings in his grandmother (as his roommate slash ghost), Graysen (mostly previously seen in that side series starring Jayne Frost), and one of the waitresses at the club he owns (that super hip supernatural only place that pops up in most books in both this series and . . . well, at least one or three of the Frost mystery series). He also brings in, as side characters, cameos from the head vampire family in Nocturne Falls – except for the one who actually lives in the same building Imari lives in who, oddly enough, makes no appearance in this story despite many chances to appear (many visits to the building he lives in with his wife; need to include the vampire family to help solve a story line, etc. etc.). Through Imari we the readers get, as cameos mostly, . . . a couple of the women who have previously appeared in this series – mostly as in they are mentioned by name, seen, not heard. Though at least one does have lines, but she’s gone to because of her job, not because she’s a friend. Also included in the story because of Imari are: her parents, that guy she’s was promised to before she was born (it wasn’t even her that was promised, just ‘first female born’ – what lovely parents, eh?), plus a wish merchant and another genie.

Right. So.

Imari is a ‘retired’ genie. Retired with little air quotes because she’s lying, but let’s not get into that, m’kay? Imari visits . . . crap, this is where me getting around forgetting the nightclubs name bites me on the ass. Um, Illusions? Illumanti? Illinois? Whatever it’s called, Imari visits the place with her friends. But this is seen from Lucien’s point of view, as he is hidden away, all creepy like, in a sheltered VIP area. He watches her. He finds her gorgeous. He notices her turning up her nose at . . . wait, no . . .okay, however it came about, he learned she wanted tea, but they didn’t serve tea, so he went all the way home (which is below the night club, not miles away), gets tea for her and sends it over. She wanders over to thank him, despite the part where he’s hiding, and no one is allowed back there. They meet cute.

Imari leaves. Is attacked by a human. Apparently is super super incapable of doing anything but stand there all sacredly like – genies sure are unpowerful, eh? A guy in a dark robe appears, flashes everyone (what, his skull head), and acts all scary. Wish merchant flees.

Lucien, now sad because he knows Imari will not want anything to do with him now that he flashed her, is whimpering at home. Technically, since he whimpers 24/7, I’m not sure how anyone will be able to tell he has a reason to whimper now. Graysen asks a favor of him – apparently not only is Imari not horrified by being flashed, but she wants Lucien to guard her bottle . . . reasons reasons reasons…..

So, Imari is a genie – there’s a wish merchant chasing her (merchant wants to capture her and force her to give out wishes, and/or sell her (or the wishes). Lucien protects her. They get to know each other. Ghost grandmother bakes a lot. The end.

If I recall correctly, and I could double check by scrolling up but I’m lazy, I believe I started off by noting that I had not really thought I’d wish to read a book starring these two characters. Oddly enough, I rather enjoyed this book. And look forward to more books in this multiple series universe of Nocturne Falls.

Rating: 4.45

April 24 2018

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