Saturday, July 16, 2016

Truth or Dare by Raven J. Spencer

Truth or Dare
by Raven J. Spencer
Pages: 53
Date: August 26 2014
Publisher: Self
Series: None

Rating: 2.0 out of 5.0
Read: July 16 2016

This is the first story I've read by this author.

I'm somewhat surprised both by my reactions to the story, and when I happened to, just now, glance around to see what others had said. Well, mostly I just looked at their ratings. I see that I'm the odd one out here, mostly. No matter.

In a moment of needing something quick to read, I looked at the synopsis of this story to see if I should give it a chance. And, no, I do not mean on here (GoodReads), I meant inside the book. I'm used to Lesbian Fiction books including a synopsis in the books that I normally skip (skipping the synposis not the book, shesh I need to write better). Sometimes read when I need to fill a minute or ten. Why am I mentioning this 'synopsis'? Spending so much time on it? Because there isn't one in this ebook. Yet, I didn't immediately realize that. Because the book is written on about the same level as a synopsis. This happened, then that, then that over there, and then.

I did not feel connected to either character at all, and the only emotions generated were created from the cheating involved, but (since there was a bit of 'wink wink, the husband/boyfriend is okay with it') mostly with the people involved. The out of work woman dates women. Yet she somehow accidentally got into a relationship with a man? Then accidentally ended up on vacation with him? What the fuck? How . . how does that even happen?

I mean, the other woman in the story also annoys me greatly, but she's on this little vacation with her husband. Who, granted, she wants nothing to do with now, but supposedly did at some point. Though we, the readers, are again treated to a character who apparently never in their life considered the possibility of women as potential dates. There are ways in how such a character can come about (in reality and in fiction), but we have none of this woman's backstory, so all we have is this kind of incredulous and vague 'never-realized-women-existed' feeling. *shrug, whatever*

I'm happy others liked the story well enough, I didn't but we can't all like the same things.

July 16 2016

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