Saturday, July 30, 2016

by Gun Brooke
Pages: Unknown
Date: August 13 2005
Publisher: Self
Series: None

Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0
Read: July 30 2016

Ginny Soderstrom, ER medical secretary, has been having a very bad day. What with being late, coffee accidents, lots of work, and, most importantly for her persent circumstances, being short of cash. Otherwise she might not have ended up with her arm stuck in a mail slot. Didn't have enough cash, you see, to pay a locksmith. So . . . stuck in a door she found herself at the start of this story.

And then, to add insult to injury, the last woman Ginny wants to find her in that situation, finds her in that situation. A woman by the name of Patricia Edmond.

But then Patricia has to go and help her, and completely change Ginny's perception of her.

I was randomly wandering various websites and happened to notice several names I recognized. One of which was Gun Brooke. And I saw that there was this free story so I got it. Then, seemingly without any control on my part, I found myself devouring said story - it should be noted that it isn't the only free story I got; it's just the only one that pulled me in and made me read it immediately.

I rather enjoyed this short story, unexpectedly so on two fronts - the story, maybe only my perception of it, seemed a lot freer than others I've read by Brooke, less stiff; and I accidentally stumbled onto erotica. It's odd how that sometimes happens. You read something because you recognize the author, the next thing you know two women are finding pleasure in each other. And I got pulled along for the ride. An enjoyable ride it was to.

Of course it should be noted that this is a short story, very brief little glimpse into two people's lives, and just a moment in time. Nothing big, nothing grand, just a moment in time. Just kind of a warning for anyone coming along behind me to not expect lots of words and lots of story. Sometimes, though, brief glimpses at a moment in time is all that's needed.

ETA: hmms. I just now read the description for this story on GoodReads. Um, what I read has no connection what so ever to what is written as a description for this short story. Though what I read is named Liberated, is by Gun Brooke, and was released August 13 2005. I have no idea what story the description on Goodreads refers to.

ETA2: I just clicked on the link in the Goodreads description. Do you know what I found? The exact same story I read. No idea what is going on here re: description, because the people mentioned in it, and the situation they face, have no connection to Brooke's Liberated story.

ETA3: the description on Goodreads is for a different story, now that I look at other Brooke stories on her website. It is describing 'Sheridans's Fate'. So, we need someone to fix the description to:

After the day from hell, Ginny finds herself locked out of her apartment. Surely you can reach the inside lock through the mail box slot? When she realises she is stuck, the last thing she needs is the help of her intimidating neighbour, who also happens to be incredibly attractive.
Originally posted as a Radclyffe Author Challenge story.

Short story, completed August 13, 2005.

July 30 2016

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