Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Devil Unleashed
by Ali Vali
Pages: 175
Date: December 1 2006
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
Series: Cain Casey (2nd in series)

Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0
Read: July 30 to 31 2016

Book two in this series follows directly upon the close of book 1. As in book 1 ends with some ‘actions’ being taken by a rival gang. And book 2 started . . . with those same actions occurring.

There are several relationships that fluctuate in this series. Mostly involving Casey Clan members.

So – book one involved Cain and Emma circling the idea of getting back together, somewhat tentatively agreeing on that; while book two has, for the most part, moved on from that ‘tentative’ nature, and moved into ‘back together – solidly’. So, that’s one relationship.

Another involves cousin Muriel Casey and some tentative inching between her and Shelby Daniels that began in book one – very tentative, and then imploded. Implosion due completely to the part wherein Daniels is an FBI agent watching the Casey clan, while Muriel is that clan’s ‘legitimate’ representative (and, specifically, their lawyer). I was kind of hoping to see more of a connection this book, since a big deal was given to having Shelby have a point of view, but, alas, there’s that FBI thing. Though the possibility of a relationship is not dead yet.

Strangely, somewhat out of the blue, a relationship for Merrick occurred with yet another Casey cousin, this one being a ‘hidden’ cousin, a cousin that most do not know is a cousin. Both work security. For the most part, I do not have any inherent desire to have the amount of knowledge I now have about Katlin Patrick and Merrick; nor to read more about them. But they continue circling in this book. (Well, not continue, start . . and more than circling).

Wow this little bunch of words of mine came out really roughly. Like pulling teeth. Mmphs. Odd considering how I thought I was going to enter by noting that I rather like these books by Vali, and have, to a certain extent, finally found why the author is liked by so many. Instead I awkward stumble along.

Plot wise the book involves a gang war between the Casey gang and the Bracato gang. On the side are two other gangs loyal/in a good relationship with Casey; and the FBI, who are watching all of them. Somewhat ineffectively.

Fun exciting series. First book I couldn’t get myself to actually write anything. Second took me a while to get anything down. And painfully at that. Maybe by the end of the series I’ll actually write coherently. This is what the series deserves, the coherent part, since it is rather well written.

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