Friday, February 16, 2018

The Shifter Romances The Writer (Nocturne Falls, #6) by Kristen Painter

The Shifter Romances The Writer (Nocturne Falls, #6)The Shifter Romances The Writer by Kristen Painter

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sixth in the Nocturne Falls series, though only fifth I’ve read in that specific series (though I’m up to 9 expanded universe books read – counting the 4 I’ve read in the Miss Frost series). This one stars a love story between a human and a cat. Actually, several of the books have that – the Frost series, for example, includes the ‘love story’ of Miss Jayne Frost and Spider the cat (who can, later in the series, talk). Then there is Jasper & Willa in ‘The Gargoyle Gets His Girl’; and Pumpkin & Pandora in ‘The Professor Woos the Witch’ (at least I think I recall it being Pumpkin & Pandora). Here in this book it’s Roxy & Alex. Unlike the other books, though, Alex isn’t a domestic kitty, he is a panther (and a shifter; the domestic kitties, including the talking one, are standard issue domestic kitties, not shifters).

Roxy St. James is a paranormal romance writer who is escaping her horrible marriage by moving to Nocturne Falls. Recommended, the small town in Georgia, to her by her friend Delaney James (who also, I recall now, has a cat, though I do not recall that huge Maine Coon’s name). Despite their similar last names, they are not related. Though both are from New York.

Alex Cruz is an officer in Nocturne Falls, and a cat. Or, I mean, a panther. He brings into the story his mother (who visits), and brother (who moves in) Diego. Roxy actually meets Diego first – since, coincidentally Roxy and Alex live next door to each other and Diego is staying at Alex's place; but doesn’t like his macho attitude.

This introduction of the two Cruz brothers to Roxy probably would lead to mentioning the opposite reaction of Roxy to meeting Alex. Except – the two first meet when Alex pulls Roxy over for speeding. And she’s quite disgusted with him for doing so. He, in turn, briefly contemplates whether Roxy might be drunk or have taken some drug like substance – for, instead of crying or the like, she’s quite bold towards him and his stopping her.

The two, Roxy & Alex that is, circle each other, as would be expected, and . . . stuff.

Good enough story – passed the time well. I like that there’s such shifter diversity in this series, what with the werewolves, werebears (seen, not major character), wereravens, and werecats. I’d make a comment about the elves also showing diversity, but none (unless they popped up in the fifth book I’ve yet to read) have appeared in the Nocturne Fall series. Other people with pointy ears, like Vulcans, have (wait, no, I mean Faerie, which is not the same type of thing as an Elf), but no elves. Which is kind of strange, the lack of elves in this series, since there’s a ton of them living in Nocturne Falls in the other series (Miss Frost), and yes, most work for the store that has never appeared in the Nocturne Falls series (the Santa’s Workshop/toystore/whatever it’s called), but not all of them – heck, one of them work as a firefighter, and one of the main characters, the Sherriff, is the brother of the chief fireman (which means nothing, of course, since there’s a ton of police related people in the town, and not all get lines/get seen/etc. – for a small town, their police force is huge -


(though, admittedly, most are ‘adjuncts’, or whatever you call part-time cops)).

I’ve completely lost whatever it is I’ve written, wanted to write, and would wish to write. So, um, off I go.

Rating: 3.75

February 14 2018

View all my reviews

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