Title: The Missing Spark
Author: Island_Hopper
Fanfiction: Calvin & Hobbes
Link: Archive Of Our Own
Any book that is a fanfiction based on Calvin and Hobbes would be, somewhat by definition, odd. This specific book finds Calvin an adult (not exactly sure of his age, I had thought he was in his thirties, but a later comment might have indicated him being closer to late 20s). Calvin has spent his adulthood traveling around - wandering, as a freelance writer. He returns home for the first time in five years when he is informed that his father has died.
He finds his childhood home has changed (as in the community - there's a subdivision built where he used to wander in the woods! and other such observations), that his next door neighbor is still there (Susie - though more that she had moved back home 2 years earlier to take care of an ill parent), that he needs to come to terms with his feelings about his father (and about his life), and that - Hobbes is still there.
Calvin, apparently, turned out to be a lonely, angry, weird man. Happens, eh?
Oh, and while it is barely there - less there than it probably should have been - there is 'something' of a romance that occurs in this book. Tiny little bit.
September 26 2017
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