Title: Bylines and Bracelets (Or How Lois Lane Fell In Love With Diana of Themyscira)
Author: dreiser
Fanfiction: DC Comics Universe, Wonder Woman
Link: Archive of Our Own
An okay short story about the superhero of city Lois lives in being someone other than Superman (who exists but in a different city; Wonder Woman is the hero of Lois Lane's city). Oh, and Lois is openly a lesbian.
So - Lois Lane, reporter, and Diana, superheroine, meet, date, romance each other. The end.
I'm tired of reading stories where one or another (or both) of the main characters struggle with a) being . . . whatever it would be to 'love' the other in the story (leaving open the door for a lesbian to fall in love with a man, or . . . whatever, though it tends to be a fight over same sex desires) - though this aspect is not in this story here; b) struggling with the concept that they might, maybe, perhaps, kinda like the other character and might desire to be in a relationship with them. *shrugs* Common theme. Just tired of reading it.
Rating: 3.15
September 25 2017
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