Leger's Journey by Lacey Dearie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read so many different things I should probably include things at the beginning as immediate hints about what the specific story is about. Oh, right *looks above at shelves*. Nevermind.
This specific short story is the 25th story in the cat who detects stuff series. This specific story opens with Leger, Amber, and Ginger in cages wondering what's going on, where they were going. Annabelle and Nicole are there as well. Eventually Leger overhears the news that all of them are on their way to London, by way of train. Leger learns this when he overhears Nicole having a conversation with a young woman with a small boy. An important point to note, since the mystery involves Leger spotting that same boy later on - out in public with his clothing being changed and being lead away by a different person. Kidnapped kid?
Leger isn't sure what he can do - he's locked in a cage. Eventually he gets free and chases after the boy, following him onto another train (or races to where he thought they might have gone). Then the train doors close. Leger's now on a trip somewhere else, wherever that might be.
Meanwhile, observant humans that they are, Nicole and Annabelle chase after Leger. Which leads me to one specific problem I have with this story - they both chased after Leger and . . . left no one to watch over the other two cats. While I've ridden on British trains, I do not know them. I do know US trains, though - and what I know is that they let people board and then, basically immediately, flee the station (okay, I was mildly amused with imagining a train 'flee', but it isn't really 'fleeing'). So . . . basically I'm just saying that someone should have stayed with the other cats. Not a huge issue, spur of the moment, I can imagine the situation happening - I'm not saying that it is a not believable event, I'm saying . . . poor Amber and Ginger. *frowns sadly*
Right, short story, short review. Quite enjoyable return to Leger's world. Quite fun. Off to something else now.
Rating; 4.50
August 8 2017
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