Monday, August 14, 2017

Harley Quinn: Joker Loves Harley by Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner

Harley Quinn, Volume 2: Joker Loves HarleyHarley Quinn, Volume 2: Joker Loves Harley by Jimmy Palmiotti

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Wow this was bad. Horrible. Garbage.

Prior volume in this series had three stories. Two of which seemed relatively competent, third was a little off but okay-ish. This volume? Stretching things, you could . . . say there are about three story lines. Maybe. Maybe more? Is kind of a mess.

1) talked about for a long time before now, Ivy and Harley finally go off on their vacation and . . . it's over like immediately after they arrive. Um . . yay? lame.
2) Harley and Red Tool attack a squid under Harley's building. lame.
3) Harley goes roller derby-fighting, and, like normal, someone dies when she does that.
4) A joker like person, possibly the joker, pops up. Red Tool beats him and stuff. Harley beats on him. etc. etc. kinda lame story.
5) Christmas story - Harley is really into Santa. Goes to mall. Santa missing. Harley beats up an elf. Then tries to save Santa. etc. etc. Kinda lame story.

This specific volume actually puts that other guy first, not Connor, but Palmoitti or however you spell his name. Maybe that's why this volume seemed like it was just a big long excuse to have lots and lots of barely covered women - the T&A Harley Quinn show . . . or something.

Rating: lame. Wait, sorry. 1.5

August 14 2017

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