Friday, June 2, 2017

The Seductress of Andromeda: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story by Callista J. Hawkes

The Seductress of Andromeda: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic StoryThe Seductress of Andromeda: A Sci Fi Choose Your Own Erotic Story by Callista J. Hawkes

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ramblings as I started reading:
I knew going in that the 'you' would be male. So, that has to be factored in to any enjoyment from the book.

Before anything else can happen, before I can make any choices, a blonde woman strips in front of me on a space station as I watch. Then I get the choice: carry on or flee before finding self, possibly, in the brig.

Apparently I'm quite good at 'going down' on women. *nods* heh
Right, so I, the character I, got kicked out of the navy and turned to a life of bounty-hunting (description mentions smuggling as well but none of the paths I went down even hinted at the idea that I did anything other than bounty-hunting (and heists)).

I followed most of the paths. I think the only one I didn't follow is the one where I returned to my bunk without satisfying the blonde at the start of the book (2 reasons: 1: I'm already there - breaking the rules by being away from my bunk, and there probably was surveliance showing 'me' going to her place; 2: and now I don't remember reason 2 . . . ETA: I remember reason 2 now that I've 'finished off' the book by going down that path - the book description indicated that I was a bounty hunter/smuggler not that I was a naval officer. So 'obviously' I need to be 'kicked out' and so . . . . (there were ways I could still have been kicked out to start off my life of barely legal existence (well, I stole my ship while leaving the academy so not barely legal at that)).

Entertaining read.

Rating: 3.92

June 2 2017

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