Right Out of Nowhere by Laurie Salzler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I hate when I ‘forget’ to write a review immediately after reading a book. A book without a review isn’t a sign of anything other than that I didn’t have time to write anything. It is neither a good or bad sign.
Heh – I have two reviews to write and I’m now debating on which to now talk about since that above opening would work on either book. *thinks*
I’ve read all but two of Salzler’s books, which means I’ve now read four. I tend to enjoy the books, though not go into fits of insane gibberish bursts of extreme joy that leads me to pound on the 5 star button.
I could tell you, whoever I mean by ‘you’, immediately one of the reasons for the lack of five stars, but it seems somewhat unfair to start with negatives so I’ll immediately note: I really liked how there was a bit of ‘dangerous outdoor action’ that occurred in this book and it did not, I repeat did not involve wacky insane people who either are hunting and/or stumble across two women thrust together into danger and survival. Okay, went a little far there – I just was going to note that I liked how you can inject some thrilling action/adventure/danger without having to have ‘evil people’ doing evil crap. You can just have people impacted by nature, be it weather or lions (mountain or did they call it a bobcat?).
Okay, that negative thing I was going to mention then pushed – I really really did not like the dynamic that was displayed between the brother and sister in this book. Or how a grown woman seems still to be under the thumb of her father (‘father said I could have the big bed’; ‘No *throws a tantrum* I don’t want someone else to join us up here as an extra SAR person!!! *pfft* Fine father, whatever.’) I never did figure that one out – why did the father have all this power? Was he in the chain of command of the SAR people? He didn’t seem to be specifically. Just . . . connected and powerful with them. SAR – Search and Rescue.
Right, sorry again. So, the book involves and stars Roni Oatman who works as a Search and Rescue person for the Forestry Service during part of the year and . . . um . . . a rancher? during the rest of the year. The SAR part of the year is about to start when the book opens and Roni is heading up to the cabin. Her brother will be joining her – there would normally be a third member of their team, but she (and I’d have her name if I hadn’t taken forever to get around to writing a review) is heavily pregnant and about to deliver a baby. ‘She’ is also Roni brother’s wife, and – importantly – the woman who Roni first fell in love with (long before ‘She’ meet the brother) . . . and still lusts towards.
Once Roni arrives at the cabin, she finds her brother and learns that a third person would be joining them – a Selena Ayala.
Selena and Roni have an interesting first contact situation. Roni has accidentally allowed herself to be blinded by the sun, and when the two first meet Selena has to doctor Roni back to being able to see. Which takes time (days). So Roni ‘learns’ Selena before she ever first sees her in the flesh. Roni may or may not also be topless on this occasion of first meeting – I forget now, though I do know that Selena stumbled across Roni outdoors naked.
It’s been ages since I read the book so: I really liked the dynamic involved between the budding attraction and relationship between Selena and Roni; I actually liked how Roni seemed to have grown as a human as the book progressed; I like the bits of action in this book; and I really liked the relationship between Roni and her horse.
One last point before I depart – horrifyingly disagreeable exes seem to be a theme with this author. Turned up in this book as well as in others I’d read. If I recall correctly, I believe ‘borderline insane/or just plain disagreeable – nasty – exes’ appear in all of the books I’ve read. *checks* Yep – in all of the books this theme appears.
Rating: something around 4.5 since that’s the shelf I put the book on when I finished it mid-May.
June 6 2017
View all my reviews
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