Saturday, April 15, 2017

Puss in Prada by Marie Jacquelyn

Puss in PradaPuss in Prada by Marie Jacquelyn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

*I received this book from Less Than Three Press and Netgalley in return for a fair review.*

I wanted to read this short story ever since I saw it listed among the 'coming soon' stories over on Less Than Three Press' website. I wan't really sure what it was about beyond the 'Puss in Boots'/'Puss in Prada' angle and I think I knew it involved a guy who got transformed into a cat.

And so I excitedly read the story when I saw I could. And I was very happy to have been able to do so. Not sure how everyone else might feel about the story (though I saw while going to the review box that the story currently has a 5 star average rating (though that might be based on 1, or 3 ratings)), but I really liked it. Loved it.

There is one point of view and two main characters - both of whom live in the same apartment (not actually sure it's an apartment, but I'll go with that). Ethan and Alex dated at some point, as humans. But at some point before the start of this story, six months?, they broke up. Ethan runs the family pastry store and is quite good at it, at baking and stuff. Alex? Alex is a very successful writer and . . . very much a dick who didn't take care of himself and seemed destined for an early grave.

Despite breaking up about six months ago, the two currently live together. There's a reason for that, of course. And that reason is . . . . Alex got turned into a cat by a witch. No, really, a cat. Luckily for him, he can still talk and was able to get Ethan to help him. And so Alex spends his days being a cat, occasionally texting Ethan, occasionally attempting to continue be a writer (on the internet, no one knows you are a cat . . . or on the computer typing a book one letter at a time).

Alex, who at some point I should mention is the POV, and Ethan have a neat little situation going on. They are quite fun to watch together. Great characterization/dynamic.

Loved the story. Want to read more cat based stories. Would write more but this is a short story we are talking about so it's hard not to accidentally reveal everything while bumbling along in a review, so I'll cut that part of the review short.

Rating: 5.5

April 15 2017

View all my reviews

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