Monday, April 3, 2017

Mind Over Magic by William Rabkin

Mind Over Magic (Psych, #2)Mind Over Magic by William Rabkin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the second time I've read this book. And the second Psych I've read this year (oh, heh. I read first book of this series in 2008 and did a reread of it in . . . . 2015, 2 years ago, not this year, shesh).

The last time I read this book I gave it a solid 4 star rating, and this time I actually increased it a little to 4.25. It was actually a tiny bit better than I had recalled, and better than expected.

Shaun does a favor for his father by dropping off a wedding gift at a place the father is banned from - the Fortress of Magic. While there Shaun accidentally reveals something about one of the groom's friends and the bride; and witnesses a magic act (well several but only one leaves a dead body behind). And so - once a dead body appeared the normal police turn up (Lassiter and Love-Interest - though they didn't flirt even once in this book, until I called her 'love-interest' I had actually overlooked that part. huh. weird, that).

A super rich billionaire type turns up, with a court order, barring the police from investigating (well, investigating the magic tank device thingie, but since the dead body is in it, from investigating the murder). Shaun and Gus get the super rich dude to agree to hire them (since there'd be a client/PI confidentiality thingie in place) and so Shaun's the one who gets the body out.

Shaun, Gus, and the police investigate. Lots of humor and fun unfolds. It's been 4 days since I actually read the book for the second time, so I can't really be more specific than that. That stuff occurred. Some of which was humorous. Some of which was mysterious. All of it felt like it was supposed to feel like - an episode of the Psych television series.

Rating: 4.25

April 7 2017

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