Winter Jacket
by Eliza Lentzski
Pages: 251
Date: May 15 2013
Publisher: Author
Series: Winter Jacket (1st in series)
Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0
Read: June 12 2015
This probably wasn't the book for me to read. I was hesitant to begin with because it involved a teacher and student. That's not really my kind of thing. Then it was so bloody slow (ironically, I've seen reviews saying it's too fast, meh, can't displease everyone the same way. hehe)
Right, so below is what I wrote as I read it. I suggest not reading it. I kind of got a little annoyed and used words I shouldn't have.
I probably could have given this an extra 1/2 star if I could. Even a full extra star if the melodrama had been cut down a little bit.
ETA: I've added another star after thinking about it. The story is lingering in my mind. Description of the rest of the series is a little off-putting, though, so I'll probably still not continue.
Bloody frustrating. There's this one specific woman she is always fantasizing about. That specific woman keeps flirting with her. But Elle keeps pushing Hunter away.
Then there are these super weird moments. Like Hunter turns up soaking wet from rain. Elle allows her inside. Offers her a towel. And a shirt. Then makes some weird comment to herself that "the shirt might have been inappropriate enough" after dismissing the thought of offering pants and a shirt. What the fuck? Push her into the bathroom. Close door. Offer her towel and change of clothing. What the fuck is inappropriate to offer a drenched girl clothing to slip into? As it is, it looks like you want her to strip, towel off, and put on . . . just a shirt. And freezing. Since "usually kept my house a few degrees chillier than necessary in the fall to save on heating bills." So. Dripping wet. And you offer just a towel and a shirt because offering more would be inappropriate? What the fuck?
Elle really fucking annoys me. Of course Hunter then has to beg to have pants to go with the shirt. Because Elle's a fucking moron. And thought even offering as much as the shirt was inappropriate. Apparently it would be more appropriate, in Elle's mind, for Hunter to strip naked and have a towel as her only clothing. That or stand there in dripping wet clothing and slowly freeze to death. Yes. That's a lot more fucking appropriate than being given a change of clothing. hehehe. As it is, the shirt she did offer was so fucking thin that Hunter's breasts were quite obvious once she had changed into them. hehe. Elle, the prim and proper professor who keeps trying to push Hunter away, and for that matter all women (for whatever fucking stupid reason), accidentally gets Hunter to stand near her in borrowed clothing that is quite revealing. Because, as I've mentioned, Elle is a fucking moron.
This whole fucking book is frustrating. It's funny, to myself, in a way. Because I was ready to toss this book near the beginning. When it looked like Hunter and Elle fucked days away before the semester ended. Days away from it being okay for them to fuck. But it had just been a dream. Then, afterwards, all that fucking time, when Elle was free to peruse Hunter without any teacher-student issues getting in the way, and with Elle doing everything in her power to keep away. So . . . this has both. Icky inappropriate teacher-student interaction, which only after the fact turns out to be a dream, then stupid fucking moronic behavior by a fucking moron. Is that too many morons in the same sentence? I don't care. Elle is a fucking immature moron.
"It nearly stole my breath how natural and right our hands felt together when I knew everything about this was wrong." - As thought by Elle. When with Hunter. As I said, Elle's a fucking moron. It's just sooo wroooongggg. Fucking immature moron. Obsessively fixated on age differences.
Oh, and by the way? Do or do not. Don't hang in the middle. Really think it is wrong? Strongly express that, that you find the other gorgeous but the age thing is just too much for you. Don't fuck her while thinking it is wrong. Don't keep pushing her away then pulling her back in. Do or do not. Fucking moron and fucking tease.
Of course, to be fair, all the above was written with only 40% of the book read. Though the rest of the book didn't start off well. What with fucking Hunter, feeling weird about it, and at the first opportunity afterwards, heading off to have a talk with her, Elle's, ex-girlfriend. What the fuck?
This is a really fucking wordy book. hehe. Weirdly wordy in certain places, weirdly lacking in others (like describing every bloody thing around her, then just causally mentioning having had a conversation with her friends about Hunter, but not actually producing the conversation event for readers to, you know, experience).
"'Because speaking as someone whose heart you've recently trampled,' she unnecessarily added, 'it's a total bitch to not be on the same page as you.'" - well, at least the ex-girlfriend gives good advice.
You know, all this talk about age really ruined things for me. I mean, after a while, when they actually dated, it seemed like I was watching the interactions of a six foot tall 40 year old with a pretty smart 13 year old of roughly four feet flat. When in reality, they were nine years apart in age, and roughly the same height. Hell, they could wear each others clothing without too much problem. So, thanks. The book made a normal lovely relationship into one where I felt icky just reading about it. Thanks a fucking lot. (Probably doesn't help that, at times, Hunter kept asking for permission for certain things, like sitting down.)
"Her lips twisted. 'Next time you're not sure how I feel about something, just ask.'" - so says Hunter to Elle. Apparently, Elle's fucking moronic act continued. I mean, she was even given this advice by her ex-girlfriend. But had to have it given again by Hunter. Fucking moron.
"Her backpack was apparently a clown car." - page 130 of 242. hehe. Okay, if Elle doesn't fuck it all up, I might be able to stop with all the bashing. And just enjoy. I kinda doubt that's going to happen, but my hopes have been raised.
Hmm. And the scene wherein Hunter took control somewhere around the half-way point of the book was quite exciting.
Well. That didn't take long. Back to hating the book. Sure, like I didn't have problems before, why not bring in a really pushy ex by the name of Ruby? Sure sure, why the fuck not? And Elle keeps talking about how she's so dominate. Talking about herself, I mean. When the fuck is she ever dominate? Fuck. I'm reading a fucking soap opera.
Elle didn't want to decline going out with Ruby because she didn't want to explain to Hunter who Ruby was, specifically who she was in her life (ex-lover, not friend). Elle then, after Ruby leaves, explains who Ruby is, re: ex-lover. I give points for actually communicating, I deduct points for agreeing, even if reluctantly, to go to dinner with Ruby. So . . . meh.
I need to stop writing reviews while reading. Makes my reviews look like babbling. But . . whatever. So, I'm at 63% now. Let's see more fuck-ups, eh? Fucking hell. I really fucking need to stop reading soap opera books. Me not like.
hahaha (my sarcastic laugh). Yeah, I knew things would get fucked up yet again. The whole Ruby thing was stupid. But, meh.
Too a certain extent, Elle and Hunter are horrible together. Why? Because Elle keeps tiptoeing around, Hunter keeps being confused by all that, and they are both too fucking . . . hmm. Elle has major hang-ups that cause her massive problems being with Hunter. Hunter is very insecure. Elle keeps reinforcing that, accidentally, because she doesn't to push Hunter too hard. So she keeps back. Thus reinforcing Hunter's insecurity. So, as I said, they are horrible together.
"I'd always thought relationships should be the easiest thing in your life." - that might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.
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