Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Midnight in Orlando AND Midnight on a Mountaintop by Amy Dawson Robertson

Midnight In Orlando
by Amy Dawson Robertson
Pages: 119
Date: December 28 2012
Publisher: Fox in the Brush Books
Series: Midnight (1st in series)

Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0
Read: June 30 2015

A slow neat little story about a lawyer and a paralegal meeting up at a conference. Circling each other. Dating. In Orlando. And while an ABA (lawyer) conference is going on in Orlando, that isn't the conference they are attending. They are at the, well some long name. Basically a lesfic conference with the readers and writers of lesbian fiction in attendance.

Quite a nice little story. Two women with insecurities. Meeting. Having fun. Romancing.

Midnight on a Mountaintop
by Amy Dawson Robertson
Pages: 131
Date: January 19 2014
Publisher: Fox in the Brush Books
Series: Midnight (2nd in the series)

Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0
Read: June 30 2015

My biggest problem with Midnight on a Mountaintop, and it's a little odd to think this, is that I'm reading it right after Midnight in Orlando. The previous story in this series. The story is already short. Having pages and pages devoted to letting the reader in on each character, and how they relate, and what they did together . . . when I had just read off of that a few minutes before, is annoying. To be fair, the sequel, this story here, while it takes plays four months after the first story, was published something like two years after the first (or a year and a month). Still . . ..

Mmphs. I did not need the introduction of an old girlfriend. mmphs. I dislike when old girlfriends are suddenly thrust forward and dangled before the horrified eyes of the reader. The whole ex-girlfriend was really uncomfortable. Hell, the whole "let's start the story a month before they actually see each other, slowly every so slowly work up to them seeing each other again."

Bloody hell. I entered this with the idea I'd be reading a story about Nic and Susan. Instead I was reading a split story. From their point of view. Involving them but not involving them. How . . . annoying.

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