Thursday, July 12, 2018

Welcome to Castle Cove by Kory M. Shrum

Welcome to Castle CoveWelcome to Castle Cove by Kory M. Shrum

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a very thin book, story-wise. And all the pathways, even the one that actually leads to full on lesbian love, is filled with enough hints, glances, etc. etc. indicating that the main female character is quite happy with gazing upon the male physique (and not really that interested in gazing upon the female form, even when you 'force' the character in that direction the lead just goes through the motions - as in, she drools over men, pictures a man when the magic 'creates your perfect mate' (or however that siren section was worded), etc. etc. while just causally writing a phone number on a bar napkin and or bluntly asked if you want a lesbian lover - never does the female lead, even in the lesbian love story section, seem that desirous of being near a woman . . . even when she bloody well has a female lover).

There's no sex in this story. At least I didn't see any.

There's no real happy ending. No matter what road you go down. (view spoiler)

This is not a you book, you are not in the book, a female lead character with an actual name and stuff is in the book. Which, actually, makes things easier for me. As I'm just like a person on her shoulder nudging her one way or another but with no real control. A you book with this story line? The no real control part would have me rating this book much worse than I did.

Rating: 3

July 12 2018

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