My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I'm not really sure why I just jumped into this blindly. I'd a vague recollection of the book description before I started, but all I really knew was that the book involved magic, witches, and a woman in a suit called Harry.
A story about a too stupid to live character who stumbles around doing dumb fucking things, getting in trouble for it, getting off on it (if it involved being whipped by a succubus), and somehow stumbling powerfully through things no one actually believes she has the power to get through. That's what I found. She isn't drunk throughout, but she kind of acted like it. Like she wasn't really paying attention to the world around her, got vague ideas to do certain things, so did that, and was mostly numb to pain until she remembered pain, whereupon she realized she was in a tremendous amount of pain. That, that's the story. Oh, and flashbacks to a mentor witch.
I was going to do a less vague, this is what the story is about, but everything I thought of I immediately rejected as being too spoiler-y. So... . um ....
The story takes place in Manhattan (didn't feel like Manhattan but . . . *shrugs*), and stars a woman named Harrietta Lee who mostly goes by Harry. She's something like a private investigator or something like that. Is given a case to solve, or a mystery to unravel or . . . okay a sword got stolen and she was asked to help retrieve it. She has a sister named Luce. A friend (ex?) named Miriam who has some connection to a 'family' who, for the longest time, I thought was an ex-girlfriend, but I think now was always just a friend before she became an ex-friend? Is confusing. There's also others, like the lion demoness, and Succubus, and Tristan the guy who wants help find the sword.
Weird and wacky story.
I've no real idea how to rate this story.
Oh, one last thing I was going to mention then forgot. I think Harry might be Korean. Based on a brief mention of Seoul and comparison of that city with her new city that she's been in for . . . 2? years (Manhattan).
Rating: 3.3
June 6 2018
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