Wednesday, December 20, 2017

First Time for Everything (Inamorata, #3) by Vivian Sage

First Time for Everything (Inamorata, #3)First Time for Everything by Vivian Sage

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good quick short story. I seem to be going up and down my ratings for the series, first one was something nearish 4 stars, second nearish 5 stars, and now this one is back to being nearish 4 stars.

This story here involves Lucy frantically calling on her friends to help her in an emergency, on a Friday morning, naturally all of her friends (the three others in the 4 woman group) take the day off from work to go help Lucy. Only to find that Lucy's 'emergency' is . . . the need to build a structure in her backyard – it would appear that Lucy is in competition with her next door neighbor – constantly trying to one up each other with new ‘stuff’ in their backyards, the latest emergency was touched off when Lucy noticed that Luke, the next door neighbor, had put in a koi pond.

Well, as might be expected from prior knowledge of the series and the friends, Reagan is useless in this specific task – she spends most of the time there reapplying polish to her nails; Ginger, also an ultra-femme, is almost as useless – she isn’t as much help as someone who knows how to use tools would be, but at least she didn’t immediately sit in a chair and start painting her nails; it’s unclear how useful or useless Lucy would have been since this is her project – she directs the one tool user in the group – Charlie, in where to put and construct the ‘structure’.

While figuring out what, where, and how to build the ‘thing’ Lucy wants, Charlie finds that she needs ‘things’. The only one free to go to the store is Ginger (see: Charlie doing construction stuff; Lucy directing; Reagan has wet nails). So off she goes. She spends the majority of her time in the home improvement store muttering to herself (literally, she has an issue where she talks to herself), glaring at the mostly illegible handwriting on Charlie’s note, and then gets distracted by a shiny – doorknobs and the like. Whereupon she accidentally gets stuck – mentioning all of this because a new character to the series, Winnie, turns up and catches Ginger being all caught and stuff. Untangles her, and flirts with her.

Not to reveal everything I move to saying: Winnie and Ginger then proceed to have a story together. Meanwhile Charlie and AJ continue their very melodramatic relationship; Reagan finally goes on a date with Sloan; and Lucy continues her interactions with Doe (or Dee, my eyes are playing games and I can’t tell if what I’m reading is Doe or Dee).

Short, interesting, sexually graphic story that at times was humorous (though some of the humor occasionally seemed forced), serious, fun, dramatic/angsty, etc. Things to note: I don’t like any of the relationships the women find themselves in with the possible exception of Winnie and Ginger (the overly melodramatic relationship AJ and Charlie have is tiring to read – and the catty way the rest of the gang talk about AJ is also tiring; I’d liked the concept of Sloan and Reagan in prior works, and wanted to see them together, but something about the dynamic edged into annoying and boring (not a good combination); Doe and Lucy continued to look interesting . . . until Lucy started making some comments about Doe (like: even if she thinks she wants a long-term relationship, Doe is lying to herself – she’s straight . . .blah blah blah, my head exploded; course then more explanation then came up – much later in the story, but by that point I was super annoyed at Lucy’s comments/thoughts/etc.))

Despite how and what I said in the prior paragraph, the series continues to interest, and I look forward to story four, coming in 2018.

Rating: 3.89

December 20 2017

View all my reviews

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