Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Je me souviens by zulu

Fanfiction link.

Je me souviensJe me souviens by zulu

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a fanfiction for the show based on, I believe I saw, an episode in season 5 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Whenever it was that Faith ended up falling into a coma, this story takes place 8 months later (that 'Faith in a coma' story line is very popular, I've found, in Buffy fanfiction). The story is from the point of view of Buffy Summers and Faith Lehane (though I don't think 'Lehane' was ever used in this book, instead she was called 'Faith Wilkins' (not sure if that means that the Mayor, Mayor Wilkins that is, 'adopted her' or if it's just a 'thing' they did in the story)).

Well, as noted, it is 8 months after Faith fell into that coma after being attacked, stabbed by Buffy, and falling to her . . . non-death. She's awake now, though she has amnesia. She doesn't recognize herself, nor this 'Wilkins' person, who is her contact person (Guardian might have been used), nor this 'Rupert Giles', who is her emergency contact. She's bored with resting on a bed, so she cleans herself up in a shower, and slips out of her room to watch some television. But but . . she was in a coma for 8 months! Well, she's also a slayer, and they heal quite fast. A lot faster than medical personal think is possible, but that's not really important. Just the part where she's not in her room when Giles and the Scooby squad turn up (Scooby squad being Buffy and her friends).

Faith giggles to herself as she hears the strangers talking about some missing woman. The words they use, the anger, hate, fear. That is until she overhears one of them calling the older man 'Giles' and she realizes they might just be talking about her. So she wanders over, they immediately start yelling at her, she's confused because, as noted, she has no memory. One thing leads to another, and Faith ends up going home to Joyce Summers home.

Meanwhile: Story involves both multiple LGBT couples, and two hetero couplings - Buffy's with Riley, and Xander is with Anya. (Meanwhile Willow is with Tara, though she is just now being introduced to the gang, and . . . Buffy's with Faith, eventually; there's also some vague comment about some Giles/Spike thing going on, but I'm not sure if I misread the one liner or not - that never comes up again and Spike is not in this story, so it basically doesn't matter).

This was a rather interesting and entertaining short novel. With much humor, some fluff, some angst, and much sex. Graphic sex. Good enjoyable story.

Rating: 4.56

October 24 2017

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