My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It is easier, in its way, to just rate series books instead of putting anything in the review box. Mostly because, after a certain point, everything you could say is likely spoiler-y for the series, and maybe for the book itself.
But let me see, ‘Kingdom of Lies’. What happened here . . . hmms.
The book, as expected, bares some connection to the book description on GoodReads. More vague than exact, more misdirect than revealing what exactly is going on. But . . . whatever.
The description mentions that Sam owes a lot of favors, and retrieving a gem will wipe out all of her favors. Well . . . that’s kind of incorrect. She does owe a lot of favors, a bunch to a sorcerer, and two or more to a mage. It was the task for the mage, not even mentioned in the book description, that would wipe out her favors . . . to the mage, not to the sorcerer. And that retrieving of the gem? Her initial bargain would have that task wipe out 1 or a few favors owed to the sorcerer. Though both the gem itself, the nature of it, and the bargain changes over the course of the book. And by changing nature, I just mean that the sorcerer both lied, and didn’t provide enough information to Sam, not that the gem literally changed. But yes, that is one of the plot lines in this book. Sam doing stuff to reduce her favor debt load.
Meanwhile she’s also ‘playing’ with dragons, angels, and other demons (well, (view spoiler) ). And while the teaming up of demon and angel to close gates is in fact a plot line in the book, it is also not a very detailed or . . . anything like that plotline.
Bah. This is what I get for trying to write something for a book I read a while ago, both in time and in other books read since then. Mmphs.
Good book. Loved it. Off to put 8 words or more down for the sequel.
Rated: 4.75
July 28 2017
View all my reviews
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