Saturday, May 6, 2017

A Tie by George Mazurek

A TieA Tie by George Mazurek

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An odd thing happens sometimes. You are made aware of a free story. You get it. Months later you read it but you have little knowledge, by this point, about what the story might be about. You are, in effect, entering blind though with a vague idea that it has something to do with Science Fiction and maybe a space station.

You start reading and . . . the main character is named Calm and he apparently is some kind of member of a primitive tribe (and I'm using that primitive word on purpose) barely scraping by. hmms . . . confused.

And, truly, it was fun to watch things unfold in this kind of dark uninformed way - for the people on the ground are in the dark and uninformed, and the people in the sky are as well. So I'll not get any more specific than I have so far.

Two points of view. One from a person calling themselves 'Calm', and a second from a person calling themselves 'Alice'. There is a bit of thrill attached to the story at certain points. Some excitement. Some confusion.

A good short story.

Rating: 4.88

May 6 2017

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