Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant by Drew Hayes

The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire AccountantThe Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant by Drew Hayes

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I was reluctant to read this one, and now I forget why I did. But I had read and enjoyed books by Hayes before - all but the most recent book in that NPC series were read and enjoyed.

This book was a series of short connected stories.

Really really boring man, who works as an accountant, was 'turned' into a vampire at some point prior to the start of this book. He is as boring now as he was before, and he didn't suddenly gain 'super-cool' . . . coolness. He's slimmer and doesn't need glasses any longer (though still wears them), but he has the same personality he had before he was turned.

First story involves Bob going to his high school reunion. Being bored. Being boring. Then watching as werewolves attack.

Second story involves . . . well, it's been too long to make sure I get these all correct. Let's just say that at some point there was a story where his new hot girlfriend drags him to a 'live role-play' thingie while on the way to the movies. A real life wizard like guy, and a zombie were meet.

Another story involved Bob and the gang (every story seems to increase the number of people in 'Bob's gang', from 'Bob', to 'Bob + girlfriend (highly qualified superagent type)', to 'Bob + girlfriend + zombie', to 'Bob etc + gay weresteed', to etc.). Right sorry. Another story involved Bob and the gang heading off to Las Vegas for . . I think Thanksgiving was mentioned. Though they are really there because the girlfriend's friend is in deep deep trouble and she's going to try to help.

Then the vampire who turned Bob returns to 'unleash' Bob. Whereupon it turns out that some of the 'humans' in the group might not actually be humans.

Was not a horrible book. Just . . . kinda boring.

December 18 2016

View all my reviews

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