Wednesday, August 17, 2016

In Your Words by R.J. Samuel

In Your Words
by R.J. Samuel
Pages: 30
Date: February 6 2013
Publisher: Self
Series: None

Rating: 3.70 out of 5.0
Read: August 17 2016

This is a lite and fluffy short story. No, that doesn't work. Fluffy? How does that even factor in? Okay, I try again.

This is a very short and relatively light-weight story about an author at, I assume, some kind of convention. Thin, maybe I should use thin instead of light-weight. hmms.

While sitting in some area where people can sit (this is really lacking in certain things, like how this came about; I spent about five minutes rereading the beginning section to see if the writer person was sitting down in a plane/train/coffee shop, just where she was (I thought maybe plane/train because of mention of travel, though initially the wording seemed to indicate she was done at the moment with traveling; then other things mentioned lead me back to wondering if actually on train/plane). Instead of rereading, I should have just continued. Because is actually as I described above - oh, I didn't describe yet. She's sitting in some 'sitting area' set aside for people to sit in. Very detailed I am. I think there's some writing convention going on, because there is mention of the writer, and others, sitting near books waiting to sign them (the indication that other authors are there moved it out of thinking this be a book store).

Wow I'm wordy.

A writer rests upon a soft chair. She glances over and spots another woman. Holding and reading a book. She, the writer, notices two things - her own picture (as the author) on the book, and that the reader might have some questions (based on facial expressions). The writer is seriously checking out the look of this reader. Then realizes that the reader has paused their reading and is now looking at them.

Not a bad set up. Kind of thin story overall. I had actually come in here to lower the rating to 3 stars and put it on my 3.5 star shelf, but the story, despite it's thinness, is lingering in my mind, so I'll leave it on the 4 star shelf for now.

August 18 2016

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