Sunday, May 15, 2016

Building Blocks
by J.A. Armstrong
Pages: Unknown
Publisher: Bumbling Bard Creations
Series: By Design (7th in series)

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.0
Read: May 13 to 15 2016

I've felt for a longish while that I'd love to read one of these books (well, not that one series I can't get into) by Armstrong in a full length book (more than 200+ pages at least).

Well . . .. There are three hour movies that feel like almost no time has passed when it's over. There are 90 minute movies that feel like days have gone by while it was playing. This book? I do not actually know how long this book was, since that information is oddly missing, but it felt more like a three hour movie that felt like it was taking days to complete.

Now there were moments when I was thinking that this would end up being another 5 star effort. Or 4 star. Or . . .. Well, that was before things kept being tacked on. Then again, I've felt two things before: a desire for the book to be over already (mostly in that third series); and that these stories seem to work better in shorter form. There's only so much lovey-dovey; we are such great people; emotional rollar-coasters; before my brain exits my body and visits the beach or something insane like that. Can you imagine? Sand gets into everything as it is, but if only my brain visited? I'd never get the sand out.

Despite my ramblings, there is a good-ish story here. Mostly. The whole 'evil Klein dude' story line has been building up and building up for a good long while now. And Candace was finally going to unleash herself. And . . . it all just kind of fizzled, really.

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