Monday, December 25, 2017

Trim my Tree by RJ Layer

Trim My TreeTrim My Tree by R.J. Layer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Of note: there's a reason why I haven't been reviewing lately (I'm not sure it is overly obvious that there's some issue going on), but have been overally distracted by pain since about Dec. 20th. I only mention because the following ramblings will probably be even more incoherent than normal.

Holiday themed story. Maggie is throwing a Christmas party but doesnt' want to do so. Friend Carla tells her she can't cancel.

'They gave a hearty laugh in unison.' - pet peeve of mine, I don't like when things are described as being done 'in unison' like they preprogrammed androids (or gynoids) and their programing has synched up. On other hand, laughing at same time a lot less annoying that spontaneously saying, in unison, 'I love you' during sex - like in something recent I read.

Ah. Weird. So - apparently long-time partner of Maggie's cheated on her last year at this time. So, that why she not party-desireous. But Maggie has been throwing the party at least 14 years so . . ..

Things kind of run together in this story, as in the timing is hard to determine and there are no breaks between one time period and the next (as in, story starts some time pre-Thanksgiving; then Thanksgiving is mentioned ot have occurred, then. ...etc).

Oh right, that's why I wandered over mid-reading - it's a 'triming the tree party', hence the title of the story. I mention because I do not recall if I've heard of that before (this goes back to me having limited connections to my brain at moment due to either pain or fuzzy fuzzy pain meds). This will be weird if I actually remember to include the end part of the () thingie when I normally forget.

hmm, don't think my brain is sufficiently activated to write. Maggie is school principal; Jo, I think, works in construction (since she came to town to work for Carla who is a master carpenter, but then she could be an accountant or anything really - Jo I mean; well, I could always read then review, but I need to write now because brain not function well - Jo also master carpenter).

This is a very short competently written story about two women who meet each other and begin exploring the possiblity of dating, and becoming closer. Hmm, I'm wording that wrong since one date is in the story - but just trying to convey that the story is just the very tip, the very start of a relationship.

Perfect story for me to read right at this moment, not sure how everyone else might feel about it - probably too short, but, I ill and nice simple, albeit well written story best for me at moment. For those who care - this is neither a sexually explicit story nor a story that faded to black. I did say they only had one date in the story.

I liked the story. I've never read anything by this author, I don't think, before. I desire to now examine more of their stuff.

Rating: 3.89

December 24 2017

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