Thursday, January 5, 2017

Accidental Ashes by Sara C. Roethle

Accidental Ashes
by Sara C. Roethle
Pages: 192
Date: May 5 2011
Publisher: Self
Series: Xoe Meyers (2nd in series)

Rating: 4.25
Read: January 4-5 2017

Accidental AshesAccidental Ashes by Sara C. Roethle

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The life and times of Xoe, half-demon, picks up more or less immediately after the end of the last book. And certain plot lines that weren't completed in that one continue in this one (like the one about how the various werewolves in the area need to form a pack or there'd be trouble).

Most of the important characters from the previous book continue to appear in this one (though Xoe remains the most important; and some disappeared here or there); with the addition of a few new-comers - like a fella named Chase. And another named Alexandre and . . well, you get the idea. More people).

It should be noted that the main character is somewhere around 16 to 17 and the author did a fairly good idea of creating character around that age - bearing in mind two things - 1) she's 'different' than the normal 16 year old - literally, since she's half-not-human and there are major implications of that that impact her life; 2) it has been at least 21 or so years since I was a teenager, sooo . . . maybe the main character is 'obviously' acting too young or too old, but - from my long distance perspective, they appear to be about right.

This specific story here picks up from the end of the last - a group of friends have gotten together, some are 'fantasy' creatures, or in some way 'half-creatures', and they continue attempting to just live. They aren't the Scooby bunch, here to solve mysteries and reveal controversies (here thinking back to the original cartoons I saw, not referring to the movies I hadn't seen; though working in the part where the Buffy the vampire slayer group liked using that term for themselves might work - they aren't the chosen one of this generation to vanquish evil . . . etc. etc. . . ). Or, if they are, they haven't been told yet. No, they are just trying to live their odd little lives. Interacting with each other, other outside creatures, and long lost parent types.

A good solid book. Somewhat thin. Both the previous and this book had a kind of comfortable 'fluffy' vibe, which probably says more about myself than the books since several people died horribly in both books. Fluffy deaths. heh.

I liked both books I've read so far in this series. And to think, I only tried this because the first book started with an X and I wanted an X for a challenge. Just a little random tip for authors - include a hook to get readers, could be any random thing - lovely lush covers, grim covers, pun-filled titles, or just having a title that uses a less well-worn letter of the alphabet.

Rating: 4.25

January 5 2017

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