Saturday, March 31, 2018

Hamburgers are not Aerodynamic by R.G. Emanuelle

This was an okay story for what it was – but for what it was supposed to be.  This is/was a full short story.  Instead it was more of a teaser.

As may or may not be common in short stories – this is a solo point of view story. From the point of view of one ‘Cat’, who is on a long dreamed of road trip.  Driving wherever, stopping at whatever strikes her fancy.  She’s whining and annoyed, though, because it is less fun than she expected. Mostly because it was supposed to be a two person road trip and her friend got food poisoning and dropped out of the trip – mid-trip.

She stops at a dinner when her stomach rumbles at her.  She promptly gets hit in the face by a hamburger (there are reasons).  The waitress flirts with her.  Something might happen between the two of them. And . . . . well, that was the story.  The end.

Is a teaser. TEASER!  WHERE’S MY STORY I PAID A WHOLE $0 FOR! Hehe, I joke with self. Yes, this is another of those free short stories findable on the Dirt Road Books website.

Rating: 3.25

March 28 2018

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