Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Battle Angel Alita Vol. 1 (Gunnm, #1) by Yukito Kishiro

Battle Angel Alita Vol. 1 (Gunnm, #1)Battle Angel Alita Vol. 1 by Yukito Kishiro

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

*I received this book from Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for an honest review*

Right, so - this is a futuristic world . . . . and um. hmms. I've no real idea what this world is. I don't even know if it takes place on earth. There's this junkyard the main male character lives in, and that the main female character was found in (without her memory). There's something floating in the sky that was called 'utopia', but beyond that I know nothing. Well, not nothing, obviously, not after reading this book. But I mean I don't know much about the setting - the world the book inhabits.

I kind of despise the man. 'I would gladly feel their blood on my face! And in exchange I need you to be as pristine as my dream for you!' - so said the man; to which the woman/cyborg responded 'I'm not your dress-up doll!' - to which I applaud. Mildly.

'I keep hunting for the pleasure'

Wow this is one bloody gore filled manga. Really really bloody/gorey - it seems like . . . what's that called, blood porn? Gore porn? Something like that.

Also one in which I didn't really understand what was going on 45 percent of the time.

This was a very violent, very weird story. I can't imagine it being turned into a movie, like the book description on Netgalley noted ('James Cameron is currently producing a live-action adaptation'). Considering the story, and what happens in it, making a live-action film will probably end up looking like that Film franchise 'Pacific Rim'.

Right, so - that's read. The first volume, at least. I do not currently plan to continue the series. This just wasn't my type of thing.

Rating: 2.78

March 7 2018

View all my reviews

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