Friday, May 20, 2016

Descended from Dragons by Tricia Owens

Descended from Dragons
by Tricia Owens
Pages: 218
Date: May 12 2016
Publisher: Self
Series: Moonlight Dragon (1st in series)

Rating: 3.66 out of 5.0
Read: May 19 to 20 2016

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Romance Beckons Cooperative for an honest review.

Anne Moody lives and works in Las Vegas. Specifically inside a 'cursed' pawn shop. I'm not sure why I put cursed in scare quotes. I mean cursed as in literally cursed. The kind of place that Anne can't really up and leave - filled with things that are cursed, some of which talk to Anne in a way only Anne can hear (in a 'you are going to die; you will meet the love of your life and he will kill you; etc.' kind of way), plus random non-cursed items.

Anne is the descendant of dragons. I'm not exactly sure what that means, though there is reference to dragon in her blood, and, separately, reference to the Chinese being descendant's of dragons. Even saying that I still don't know what that means exactly.

As far as this story is concerned - Anne Moody is a powerful dragon sorcerous (sp?) who has a dragon familiar, and she herself has 'dragon' in her. In that, if she isn't careful, she'll literally turn into a dragon and run around killing and destroying, and being a big badass predator. Supposedly. Anne's been kind of trying to fly under the radar because Las Vegas has these 'Oddsmakers' who keep an eye on things and anyone who gets too public, or shows too much power, is taken out. Whatever that means. Since she is flying under the radar, her true power level is unknown.

Also because she is flying under the radar, most do not know who and/or what she is. Even her friends are in the dark. And her family is either dead or missing.

The story involves a powerful unknown entity who wishes to gain access/control over a demon and use their power and minions to take over Las Vegas. If they succeed they will get lots of power.

Anne kind of backs into the story by having someone drop off a gargoyle statue which is less a statue and more of an actual gargoyle. One that is cursed - what with having a demon pushed into it. This leads to Anne learning of the evil dude's activities, and directly/indirectly causing that evil dude some 'issues' and putting some roadblocks in front of that guy on his quest for success.

Interesting enough story though I had certain 'issues'. She is super powerful but makes comments indicating a lack of desire or interest in 'learning' the thing she needs to know (see, for example: comments made when she mentioned dropping out of college). Certain comments are made that are on the edge of ... not exactly sure how to word this issue - lack of awareness of a LGBT world (see: 'of course she didn't fall under the succubus power because wrong gender - there is a 90% chance I am reading that wrong).

Not exactly sure about rating. Something around 3.5 to 3.7.

May 22 2016

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