Monday, October 17, 2016

Miss Match by Fiona Riley

Miss Match
by Fiona Riley
Pages: 240
Date: May 17 2016
Publisher: Bold Strokes Books
Series: None

Rating: 3
Read: October 12 to 17 2016

Not really sure what to write here. Unfortunately, I found this kind of flat and meh (barring an event that occurred near the end that has me thinking of putting this book on my 'mental illness' shelf).

For whatever reason I spent the majority of the book having trouble keeping track of which was Samantha and which was Lucinda. One or the other worked as the head of a division at some marketing/public relations company and was also a dancer (this is Lucy , right?), while the other worked for a match making company and was, apparently, latina (Samantha) - 'funnily enough', while writing this paragrah, I accidentally put the names in the wrong spots).

This is not a book that will go down, in my mind, as something truly memorable. I can't even remember which character had which job/hobby (boxing)/enraged mother/was in foster care/has the gay best friend, etc. mmphs.

This issue is making my brain hurt. I've no freaking idea why I'm having this problem. Other than the characters are kind of interchangable, but still, no idea why I have this issue.

Right, I'm just going to flee before I hurt myself.

As written October 17 2016

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