Thursday, February 4, 2016

Leger's Return by Lacey Dearie

Leger's Return
by Lacey Dearie
Pages: 39
Date: January 1 2016
Publisher: Little Peanut Publishing
Series: Leger - Cat Sleuth Mysteries (19th? in series)

Rating: 5.0 of 5.0
Read: February 4 2016

hehe, in a way I can't win . . .

I just made a comment somewhere or other indicating something silly - that I was going to delete all of my romance books off my Kindle, and forever more just read autobiographies from the point of view of cats (said after reading yet another romance book that annoyed me in a specific way). I'd said it jokingly, but then recalled that I actually had 2 or 3 cat point of view stories I could read, and dove into the first of the three. To find that the cat, Leger, worried about his relationship with Ginger, 'his' molly/girlfriend/whatever-word-works-here. Hence my 'I can't win'.

The weird thing? This little dip into troubled romances was handled much more smoothly, and with a better resolution than many of the romance books I'd read lately. So, maybe I can win, then, eh? hehe.

Right so, this story. Leger, Bob, and their humans return to Glasgow from their brief-ish attempt to make a new life on an island running a hotel. Even before they can actually make it back home, though, they hear about a crime that occurred on their street via radio (they heard about the crime by way of radio, not that the crime occurred by way of radio). And suspect that the person involved, as the victim, was someone they know. And someone Leger feels like is family, Nicole being the person I'm referring to here.

So, they arrive at Nicole's place, knock on the door and are greeted by . . . an overly cheerful Nicole. Some confusion there, by the characters in the story not by the reader. Turns out they were right, it was Nicole who was a victim. And she's in a bit of denial, outwardly at least.

Strangely, Leger also notices that Nicole's cat friends, Ginger and Amber, are missing. Right when Nicole needs them the most.

Well, I don't want to get to far down the road here (to expose too much of the plot). The main point is that a crime occurred involving a friend of Leger's (and, I should probably have noted at some point, this friend is a young human female - probably around 18 or so). And the cats are on the case, trying to solve another mystery.

Quite enjoyable. And a happy return to Leger-land.

February 4 2016

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