Wednesday, January 7, 2015

S.S. Sensuality by Olivia Lyons

S.S. Sensuality
by Olivia Lyons
Pages: 81
Date: May 20 2014
Publisher: Author

Rating: 4.0 out of 5.0
Read: January 7 2015

Note: I originally forgot to include: this review is of an adult "choose your own adventure" type book. I.e., a book wherein every once in a while you are given a choice. You click on one link or another (or, sometimes, one of five choices) and then continue on in the story on the path you choose.

huh. There's some odd disconnect in the path I traveled. I mean, the path I went down Jenna basically didn't do anything and yet the text is now talking about that stuff "we" did. All that experimenting. Jenna experimented by sleeping. And reading a magazine. While I experimented with being a slut.

And then there's that "hadn't been with a woman before" comment. Well,that's true in the story. Also true that I still hadn't. Yet the text thinks I had. How'd I end up there? As I said, an odd disconnect. I was just going straight down the path. I didn't divert or double back or anything. The path lead me to one island and suddenly the boats heading back to Florida. There was mention of several islands were going to be visited. I only got to see one. :(

And I didn't like how the path I went down turned there at the disconnect. I didn't get any options to turn away from . . um . . I can't say or I add spoilers to review. mmphs. Bah. I say anyway. I'm given no choice about whether or not I hump 'Frank' and whether I not I then immediately 'give a show' and climb into bed with another woman and a man. What happened to me 'choosing' stuff? mmphs. I feel vaguely violated.

And then abrupt ending. mmphs. It was quite fun up until I got shuttled off to no choice land and then "The End". With text indicating I'd done stuff that I hadn't. mmphs. I was actually thinking of giving this one 4 stars until everything went off-track there.

Oh. heh. I thought I choose the slut path. Trying to figure out how I ended up where I ended up, I restarted. And I found not choosing the slut path lead down to a rather exciting little bdsm adventure that bumps this story up a star.

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