Monday, November 20, 2017

Grounded by A.E. Radley

Grounded (The Flight Series, #2)Grounded by A.E. Radley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story of Emily and Olivia & Henry continues. It's hard to say much without being spoiler-y.

The prior book ended somewhat abruptly, though I'd already known that going in so it actually seemed somewhat less abrupt than others might have experienced. Probably because I owned both books before starting the series. No, the problem I encountered wasn't the abrupt ending of the first book, but the extra long opening wherein the issue that popped up at the end of book 1 took a really long time to be addressed.

There's a lot more business conflict in this book. And while the prior book included information that would lead one to expect that neither woman had great parents (or, in Emily's case, parents-in-law - I don't actually remember if Emily's parents were ever mentioned), that specific family conflict dynamic wasn't really seen until this book here. Where it played a massive an important role - when Emily's in-laws, after years of being 'quiet' on the conflict front, suddenly popped up again to be assholes.


I've now spent about five minutes starring at my screen trying to figure out what I can write here that wasn't/isn't filled with spoilers. Um . . . both women face work related 'issues'; at least one faces health-related issues, while the other faces family drama. Nicole, Simon, Tom, and Lucy all show up in this book (as well as someone connected to Simon, though I'm not sure if that's spoiler-y or not).

Rating: 4.45

November 20 2017

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