Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jane's World 8-11 by Paige Braddock

Jane's World: Volume 8Jane's World: Volume 8 by Paige Braddock

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jane, Chele, Skye, and Jill go on a vacation trip together to the Florida Keys but before they reach their destination, their plane crash lands. Stuck on one of the 800 'large enough to be on the map' islands in the Keys, the four attempt to do stuff. Like sleep. Then some Polynesians show up (despite being in the wrong ocean for them to show up) and attempt to marry one of the Polynesian women to Jane. Jane want no part of this but the others press her into going through some 'tests' because they figure that this would be a way to get off the island. Eventually they run into 'shallow-breast guy' who is also on the island, along with a photographer and some bikini wearing models.

A funny continuation of the series. Though it should be noted that at no time do Chele and Jane walk in a river while carrying stuff over their heads like on the cover of the comic strip collection.

Rating: 4.4

April 15 2017

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Jane's World: The Quest for LoveJane's World: The Quest for Love by Paige Braddock

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

'The Quest for Love' - the various women in the comic series are on a quest for love, and/or attempting to have more 'mature' relationships. Well, some of them.

Chele is dating the photographer from the prior book - Michele (this is the first time I noticed that they actually have the same name, unless Chele is not actually a nickname taken from Michele). Jill is dating Skye (who had been dating Jane). Jane is dating . . . a Hooters waitress (and is having an on-again-off-again 'situation of confusion' with Dorothy).

As noted, Chele meet Michele in the prior book - Michele had been taking photographs of barely clothed women on the beach while Stephan Pastis stood around making vaguely inappropriate comments. Jill meet Skye . . . well, not sure when they first meet, but the certainly bumped into each other on that same Flordia Key's vacation/crash landing that put Chele and Michele together (though they didn't start dating at that time). And Jane?

Recalling that Jane works as a reporter, several news assignments were given to Jane. One saw her sent undercover to Hooters to investigate . . . um . . . the treatment of women or something like that. Jane? Undercover at Hooters? No Jane's breasts didn't suddenly get bigger or anything like that, they actually got smaller. By having them strapped down - she went undercover as a boy. Meanwhile, as part of that story, the woman who Jane attempted to use as a life coach a long while back pops up again - and see's Jane in her 'boy' costume and assumes that Jane is 'transistioning'. Because of that she admits that she, a lesbian, has a breast phobia (and then proceeds to have a flashback as to why - almost smoothered by a large breasted woman; oddly I've already seen this plot line before in a different comic series - in 'Ménage à 3' (in that comic it was a psychology student while here it was a life coach; that one also had a woman who had a penis phobia and was, for the most part, straight - her father was hugely popular manga author/artist in Japan - famous for his use of tentacles molesting women, the woman with the penis phobia sees the penis as a tentacle and freaks out in a 'must kill it' kind of way)). Naturally Jane believes that the way to 'cure' this phobia is to bring that woman along to Hooters.

Later, after having one of the Hooters waitress's flirt with then begin dating Jane (already knowing that Jane was actually a woman - just thought she was ultra butch, not thought she was a boy), Jane goes on another reporter assignment - to investigate . . wait, no, to report on a mountain bike race.

Which lead to basically every female character in the series (well not really, just a lot of them) to end up popping up there as well. And an orgy breaks out. No, really.

Another fun, humorous, way to pass the time.

Rating: 4.55

April 15 2017

ETA: I've no idea how to get this rereading thingie to stop recording everything I read as being either not completed or read 3 times (if I don't insert the dates, it doesn't get recorded as read; if I do insert the dates, it records the books as being read 3 times (even if only 1 set of dates shows). mmphs. I think I fixed it, though, but if I haven't - that's why I include this note here. That I've only read this collection once.

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A New FrontierA New Frontier by Paige Braddock

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the '10 year anniversary' collection. Collects the next set of comics not previously released, and includes text - a little nonfiction section in which the author mentions how Jane's World came about and a little mini-autobiography about herself. Quite fun and informative and stuff.

The 'new stuff' involves a version of Jane sucked into a 'Last Starfighter' type situation (or, more accurately, recreates that movie with Jane in the starring role). And like in that film - a 'I'm not a robot but a simul...somthing' is put in place of Jane on Earth while Jane is up flying around in space. 'Fake Jane' is super competent, doesn't whine, is good in bed, doesn't eat as much junk food, and is a good reporter -naturally every one is suspicious of this Jane because this Jane isn't 'acting right'.

Both the science fiction 'Jane's World' take on 'Last Starfighter' and the author's autobiographical section were fun things to read. And basically take up the entirety of the book. Sooo I guess I have nothing else to comment on since I already commented on both of those thingies.

Rating: 4.68

April 15 2017

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Jane's World, Volume 11Jane's World, Volume 11 by Paige Braddock

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The last of the collections available to be read and devoured, though there's a prose novel set in this universe that occurs after this one, and comic strips online that also continue the story (and then there was a reboot or something like that relatively recently - haven't looked closely yet to see what that might mean, though I know the woman who popped up on the prose novel turns up almost immediately in the comic so I think it's more of a continuation, though again I haven't looked yet).

Sooo . . . what happens in this one? More wackiness, of course. Jane continues as a reporter, adjusting to life back on earth and with a live-in girlfriend. Then the paper closes, the girlfriend moves out, and she's briefly sucked back up into space for a moment or two. You know, the average. Meanwhile the other women in the story continue bouncing around, doing their thing, going into and out of relationships (sometimes with the same woman they already were in a relationship with).

Somewhat less satisfying than the previous collection, and some of the others. Don't really have much else to say so . . ..

Rating: 4.18

April 15 2017

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